A Swift and Successful Onboarding

[This game was made in a week, for Weekly Game Jam 142. In this house we respect indie devs and especially jam games, so if there's any criticism in the following text or rating, be aware that the existence of this game is itself an achievement]
A Swift and Successful Onboarding (ASASO, for short) is a game about working in a totally normal E-commerce company where nothing weird happens. I'm joking, of course.
Let's start with the visuals. The warm brown palette looks great, and it's not something you'd typically associate with a desktop sim. The pixel art is also amazing, you can tell Evesprite (the artist) is really skilled in this area.
Your manager's voice actor does a really good job. Lauren's so done with it, but her voice is full of that corporate cheeriness. Her reactions to the player being purposefully stupid reminds me a lot of The Stanley Parable. I've decided to check out the actor's other works, and guess what: they have an amazing vocal range! They also work with indie devs and participate in game jams. Respect.
The other voice actors are also delightful to hear. Overall, the voice actors' charisma really carries this game. The sound design overall is very good, especially the comedic timing. You don't think about it much, but it really makes some of the jokes deliver.
Speaking of jokes, ASASO has more than enough of them. When I first realized I had to answer a phone call while you can't speak in this game, I literally burst out laughing. And there's many, many more small things like that. This game is pure comedy gold.
Continuing my (favorable) comparison with The Stanley Parable, ASASO has pretty much the same idea, but with customer support. You can follow the instructions or screw up every singe step of the way, and get multiple endings. As far as I'm aware, there's at least 4 of them, but there might be even more. So, naturally, you'd want to replay this game multiple times, and I really appreciate the dialogue skip option for us ending hunters.
Warning for players: DO NOT press Esc during the game. It closes the game and erases all your progress! There isn't much to lose, as the game is only 10 minutes long, but it's really frustrating. Also, the subtitles don't work, which wasn't a problem for me, but is kind of a bummer. I was about to give this game props for accessibility, but seems like I won't.
Overall, it's a short, funny experience definitely worth playing and replaying for its multiple endings.
How else can I help you?